
Brave are those who look to the future; visionaries, those who see further

Utopia is an interesting device. It convinces us that the future can be better. That it is possible to achieve the unattainable. That excellence, perfection, is there, quietly waiting. But Utopia is restless and always on the move. Any attempt to pin it down is a chimera. Pure illusion. If you want it. If you dream about it like some of us dream about it, you must know that it is a flow. A force of attraction that lets us make progress. Learn. Take risks. Grow. Succeed. All together. United. Being one.

Què podem enganxar per vostè?

Truqui’ns, escrigui’ns, consulti’ns, demani’ns. Entrem en contacte. Entri en el món Pujadas. Un món on tots treballem en equip, on tots avancem alhora. On la meta és sempre la mateixa: la seva satisfacció. Els nostres departaments estan a la seva total disposició. Ara, avui, demà, sempre. Unim esforços. Siguem un equip.

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Telèfon +34 93 588 18 77
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PJM Pujadas S.A.
C. Ciclisme 1-3
Polígon Can Rosés
08191 Rubí - Barcelona. Spain. UE

© PJM Pujadas S.A.