
If you trust your wings, long flights await you.

Trust is the silent ally. Invisible. It is the hand that pushes us forward. That rests on our shoulder. That tells us that everything will be fine. It is the safety net stretched beneath our feet. The binoculars that let us see into the distance. Making the unattainable accessible. Trust is the friend who whispers in our ear. Saying: come on, jump, don’t be afraid. It is an infallible remedy. A vitamin. It injects impetus. Security. It transmits strength. It irradiates determination. To fulfil our dreams. Step by step. United. Being one.

Què podem enganxar per vostè?

Truqui’ns, escrigui’ns, consulti’ns, demani’ns. Entrem en contacte. Entri en el món Pujadas. Un món on tots treballem en equip, on tots avancem alhora. On la meta és sempre la mateixa: la seva satisfacció. Els nostres departaments estan a la seva total disposició. Ara, avui, demà, sempre. Unim esforços. Siguem un equip.

e-mail contact@pujadas1890.com
Telèfon +34 93 588 18 77
fax +34 93 588 23 77

PJM Pujadas S.A.
C. Ciclisme 1-3
Polígon Can Rosés
08191 Rubí - Barcelona. Spain. UE

© PJM Pujadas S.A.