
In the journey towards an ambitious goal it is vital to show plenty of perseverance

Conviction is a powerful quality. It makes us solid. Like granite. It turns us into rocks that someday will be mountains. High peaks fixed to the ground that rub shoulders with the clouds. Thanks to conviction we reach our destination. Without faltering on the long road. Getting up after every setback. Learning that failure is part of any journey to success. Showing unbreakable loyalty to our principles. Persevering. Remembering at all times that only together will we succeed. United. Being one.

What can we glue for you?

Call us, write to us, consult us, order from us. Let's get in touch. Come into the world of Pujadas. A world where we all work as a team, where we all move forward together. Where the goal is always the same: your satisfaction. Our departments are at your full disposal. Now, today, tomorrow, always. Let’s combine our efforts. Let’s be one.

e-mail contact@pujadas1890.com
telephone +34 93 588 18 77
fax +34 93 588 23 77

PJM Pujadas S.A.
C. Ciclisme 1-3
Polígon Can Rosés
08191 Rubí - Barcelona. Spain. UE

© PJM Pujadas S.A.