
Pujadas participates actively in the annual FEICA congresses.

The commitment of Pujadas to the European association FEICA, the key international voice in the adhesive products industry, is very clear. Year after year, in Italy, Austria, Portugal, France and Finland …, Pujadas keeps up constant, intense scrutiny of the latest developments and trends. Sharing visions and experiences with regulators, suppliers, competitors and all the agents linked to this technological sector with its heavy demand on knowledge and high added value.

What can we glue for you?

Call us, write to us, consult us, order from us. Let's get in touch. Come into the world of Pujadas. A world where we all work as a team, where we all move forward together. Where the goal is always the same: your satisfaction. Our departments are at your full disposal. Now, today, tomorrow, always. Let’s combine our efforts. Let’s be one.

e-mail contact@pujadas1890.com
telephone +34 93 588 18 77
fax +34 93 588 23 77

PJM Pujadas S.A.
C. Ciclisme 1-3
Polígon Can Rosés
08191 Rubí - Barcelona. Spain. UE

© PJM Pujadas S.A.